Inlet/Outlet Position Using Remote Access

Remote Access Units are specified for inlets/outlets to the system. The grid is only representative of a StormBrixx tank and provides a rough guide to where inlets and outlets will be placed.

Position your Access units for Inlets/outlet pipes

Click on the outside of the grid to place Remote Access Unit which will hold inlet/outlet pipes. The pipe will be shown as a double arrow symbol on the grid. Click on a placed unit to add maintenance access at that location. Click on a unit with maintenance access to remove the unit from the grid.

The grey panel below will show how many inlet/outlets need to placed and how many have already been placed.

You have 2 of 4 Inlet/Outlets to place

Remote Access Unit

Remote Access Unit (for maintenance)

Outlet/Inlet pipes

Inlet/Outlets with maintenance access

You have added maintenance access to 0 of the 4 units

ACO would highly recommend that you allow some form of access into the tank for maintenance and inspection purposes.

Access units for outlet/inlets can only be placed on
perimeter of grid (perimeter of the final tank)